Do you have a GMN spindle that is broken or not running properly? Look no further than Motor City Spindle Repair. Our staff of experienced spindle technicians have repaired countless models of GMN spindles over the years. We are confident they can repair any GMN spindle sent to us, be it motorized or belt driven. With some of the fastest lead times in the industry, we are your best option for repairing any GMN spindle.
Some of the motorized GMN spindles have extra components such as encoders, sensors and proximity switches, which adds more complexity to the unit. Our spindle technicians have state of the art equipment for testing all aspects of a spindle. They are able to utilize this equipment to balance spindles with extreme precision. This balancing ensures the longevity of the spindles life and that it runs properly.
GMN not only produces spindle bearings, but also offers a wide variety of spindles for most machining applications. Motor City Spindle Repair provides you with repair services on 5-axis, VMC, HMC, Grinding, Turning, and Milling Spindles. With over 75 years of experience in the industry, GMN provides high speed grinding and high power milling applications.
Below is a partial list of the GMN spindles we have rebuilt:
GMN HC Series, GMN HCS Series, GMN HSP Series, GMN HS Series
GMN TS Series, GMN TSE Series, GMN TSEV Series, GMN TSA Series, GMN TSI Series, GMN TSP Series, GMN TSAV Series, GMN TSL Series,
GMN HSX Series, GMN HV-XS Series, GMN HS-T Series, GMN HSP Series, GMN HV-P Series, GMN HST Series
If your machine tool spindle is not listed please give us a call at 734-261-8600.